I’ve started working on my next project, a telemetry based variometer.  A variometer is commonly used by glider pilots to monitor the rate of climb of the aircraft.  The Piccolo autopilot provides the operator with altitude information, but does not exploit this to data to the full extent.  The plug-in that I am working on will include compensation for total energy and for the intrinsic sink rate of the aircraft (if sufficient information is provided by the operator).  This will make it easier for an operator to determine if the plane is in rising air during thermaling maneuvers.  It will also eliminate the need for a separate variometer system to be installed in the aircraft.


Above is the latest screen-cap from the variometer prototype.  The device is nominally functional, but it far from finished.  The to-do list includes user configuration options, audio indications, and ascetics.  Adding the audio feedback will be a rather interesting feature, although it may be dropped from the initial release of this plug-in.